Why Us?
- Available 24x7
- Emergency Locksmith Services
- $15 Service Call Fee
- No Extra charges Nights or weekends
- Licensed, Bonded and Insured Locksmiths
- Free re-key for new locks with a 6 month warranty
New York
Jackson Heights NY
Phone: (888) 491-8802
Zip: 11372
Jamaica NY
Phone: (888) 491-8802
Zip: 11430, 11431, 11432, 11433, 11434, 11435, 11436, 11439, 11451, 11499
Jamesville NY
Phone: (888) 491-8802
Zip: 13078
Java Center NY
Phone: (888) 491-8802
Zip: 14082
Java Village NY
Phone: (888) 491-8802
Zip: 14083
Jefferson Valley NY
Phone: (888) 491-8802
Zip: 10535
Jericho NY
Phone: (888) 491-8802
Zip: 11753, 11853
Johnsonville NY
Phone: (888) 491-8802
Zip: 12094
Johnstown NY
Phone: (888) 491-8802
Zip: 12095
Jordan NY
Phone: (888) 491-8802
Zip: 13080